Christopher M. Bermudez

Hello World! Welcome to my ePortfollio, feel free to explore around and enjoy what you see :)
Inside this are my activities, some info about me, and ... more XD. This is my journey in my CS years @ The University of the Cordilleras.

Mixed Stuffs

Computer Science Stuffs

About Christopher

Hello Again, I am here ready to join and code in the world of codes. I am one of the CS (Computer Science) Student taking up a course of BSCS (Bachelors of Science in Computer Science) who loves to write codes and ready to help other people. Click my name to get a copy of my resume :)


Here is my github link. My current projects thar are under development is Quanty. It is a cloud quantum computing platform good for the researchers outhere but it is just a prototype for now.


I apprently design less, but I have a good eye that can create pleasing graphics that users can enjoy and somehow gets their attention.


Feel free to ask everything about me, for now sending a messaging to this site wont work but you can always check my details at your right side. I hope you understand XD